About Us - SADO

Student Activities and Development Office


Is a recognized premier provider of holistic development programs that produce effective, dynamic, transformational and innovative leaders of the society.


  • To mold innovative leaders who are guided by values of Fortitude, Excellence and Uprightness.
  • To conduct exemplary programs for student development.
  • To provide opportunities in the aspects of academic excellence, leadership, community service, diversity and innovation.

Roles and Function

The Student Activities and Development Office (SADO) develops students to become effective leaders, efficient followers to other cognizant of their talents and skills and put these in productive endeavors not only in school but also in the community where they live. These shall be realized through students’ active participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
The unit allows the students to practice, discover, develop, and impart their talents and yearnings. It is through commitment in student activities that students get to live-out leadership in areas that cater to personal passions, that empower peers, and that uplift conditions of those in need.
While in pursuit of these, significant support from the community is given to students and a strong sense of responsibility is expected of them. This will encourage and safeguard order and accord, as well as identify various support systems that aid in the successful achievement of students’ desires.

Student Development

The Student Development component creates programs that seek to encourage the formation of the students whose activities are geared toward social, spiritual, cultural, technological advancement and recreational aspects of development. It offers the following programs:
  • Holistic Development
  • Leadership Training Seminar
  • Efficiency Training
  • SADO sponsored Training and Seminars
  • RSO sponsored Seminars and Trainings
  • Personality enhancement
  • Athletics

Student Activities

The Student Activities component supervises and regulates the operations of Recognized Student Organizations and Special Interest Group. SADO is responsible for the following:
  • Grant, renew, and revoke accreditation of organizations
  • Recognition of organization advisers
  • Approval of student activities
  • Approval of postings on social media
  • Selection of contingencies to national conventions and conferences

The Mantra


Programs of the Student Activities and Development is gearing toward creating a community of leaders who are passionate, proactive, innovative and ever ready to be of service to others. It is the foundation of the training that the unit provides to all who want to be leaders for service.
According to a famous author, he said that “Service to others is the essence of success. If you can contribute to others, no matter how small your talent, you too can become successful. The measure of anyone is the number of people that they serve. No one achieves success without being of service. All great men and women became successful because they gave some talent or ability in the service of others. Everybody has to be somebody to somebody to be anybody”.
And so every student leader needs to learn that it is better to give than to receive. The venerable saying is drummed into our heads from our first time we heard about leadership.


Leaders are hard to find. They exhibit a unique blend of charisma, vision and character traits that attract people to follow them. They exhibit characteristics that best personify the ideal leaders. But, mostly, as they exhibit these traits and characteristics, people will want to follow them. Follow me." If you're the boss, you can get away with this attitude